Reports Wand
The Reports Wand product publishes SAP data directly into the familiar Excel environment. We have exposed a number of standard CDS Views that cover a wide breadth of reporting requirements. We have also provided a framework in order to enable ABAP reports. Custom content for ABAP reports is delivered with the product and custom reports can also be easily created. Please see the Reports Wand Developer Guide on the product download page for further information. Additionally, we offer a robust feature set that allows the end-user to tailor the report output to meet their unique needs. Reports Wand provides:
- An Excel front end to your reporting needs where you can define your report layouts, formatting, links to other charts and formulas, etc.
- The ability to refresh these reports at the click of a button ensuring that all your custom Excel formatting and links are maintained.
- A custom Excel function that can execute ABAP CDS or ABAP reports and return a value into an Excel cell. Double-clicking the cell allows drill down to the detail.
- A standard set of views and reports that can be searched and filtered to facilitate discovery of the required report.